Clintel on Tour KERKRADE – Climate the movie

Event Date:

24 June, 2024

Event Time:


Event Location:

The Patronage

The Clintel Foundation organizes a Clintel on Tour evening in collaboration with photographer Shirley Born Kerkrade on Monday, June 24. The film will first be shown in Het Patronaat Climate: The Movie will be shown and after a break Marcel Crok, director and founder of Clintel, will give an explanation of the film in a lecture. Tickets cost 15 euros, including coffee/tea at the start.

Martin Durkin
The film was released in 2007 The Great Global Warming Swindle (here available to watch online for free), made by British filmmaker Martin Durkin for Channel 4. The film was at the time the counterpart to Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth . The KRO broadcast the film in the Netherlands, followed by a live debate at the Public Broadcaster in which Marcel Crok participated at the time. The American one Podcastmaker Tom Nelson interviewed Durkin twice in the past year about the film (here in here) and encouraged him to make a follow-up film. That film is now finished and is therefore called Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth).
Almost all scientists interviewed in the film are also signatories of Clintels World Climate Declaration. In that respect, this documentary is a true Clintel film.

Marcel Crok
Marcel Crok is a science journalist, founder and director of the Clintel Foundation. He has been writing about the climate debate for twenty years and is the author of, among others De Staat van het Klimaat. Last year, Crok published the book with a team of researchers from the international Clintel network The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC. Here they document serious errors in the latest IPCC report. Crok knows the international debate on both climate change and climate policy like no other. In his lecture he will provide an explanation of the film and answer questions from the audience.

Datum: June 24, 2024
Location: Het Patronaat, Ursulastraat 232, 6462 TZ, Kerkrade.
Price: 15 euro

6:30 PM: Walk-in
7:00 PM: start of program and film (80 minutes)
8:30 PM: break with coffee/tea/water
9:00 PM: lecture by Marcel Crok and Q&A with the hall
10:00 PM: drinks (own expense)

The media is very welcome. If you would like to make use of this, please contact us by email, or by telephone on 06 23057702.

Sorry, this event is expired and no longer available.
Total number of places: 180 (131 available)
  • The Patronage
  • Ursulastraat 232
  • Kerkrade
  • Limburg
  • 6462 TZ
  • The Netherlands

Event Schedule Details

  • 24 June, 2024 18:30   -   22:00
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