The end of Net Zero seems to be in sight!

Event Date:

26 November, 2024

Event Time:


Event Location:

Antropia (Driebergen)

The end of Net Zero seems to be in sight!

Lecture Benny Peiser director of the GWPF (Global Warming Policy Foundation) – Language: English

Global negotiations on future climate policy are at a stalemate. Developing countries are now asking not billions but trillions in compensation for the climate damage they allegedly suffered. The West is now being asked to cough up a thousand billion a year. Meanwhile, China still has the status of a 'developing country' under the Paris climate agreement’ and according to the agreements in Paris, it may continue to emit more CO2 until 2030. America, already under Biden, no longer accepts this and demands that countries such as China, Saudi Arabia, Russia and Brazil also contribute hundreds of billions to this international fund. Meanwhile, there has been growing political resistance in the west to the costly Net Zero emissions policy. The political consensus on climate has been broken. In this lecture, Benny Peiser will discuss the economic and political crisis in which climate policy finds itself and he will also make suggestions for pragmatic policy alternatives.

Location Antropia Driebergen
Walk in from 7 p.m
Commencement 7:30 p.m.

Navigate to Stationsweg 15B, Oude Stationsweg 13 or navigate to Driebergen-Zeist Station

Antropia is located on the De Reehorst estate, right next to Driebergen-Zeist railway station, and is only 500 meters from the Driebergen exit on the A12.

You can park in the Q-Park Station P+R Driebergen Zeist.


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Event Location:

Totaal aantal plaatsen: 200 beschikbaar 110
  • Antropia (Driebergen)
  • Hoofdstraat 8
  • Driebergen
  • Utrecht
  • 3972 LA
  • The Netherlands

Event Schedule Details

  • 26 November, 2024 19:30 21:00
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