Presentation of Clintel report: Who sows the wind, will reap the storm

Event Date:

31 October, 2024

Event Time:


Event Location:

Almelo Library

He who sows the wind will reap the storm
Wind turbines, wind farms and solar parks are being built everywhere. Often to the surprise of local residents. Once the wind turbines are in place, the noise pollution comes in hard, the cast shadow is your view for the coming years and the consequences for the environment and animals are incalculable.

The Clintel Foundation has commissioned investigative journalist Elze van Hamelen to map out all knowledge regarding the consequences of wind turbines for people, the environment and animals and to create a step-by-step plan for residents of wind farms or wind farms yet to be built, which will provide them with sufficient information to have an influence. practice on policy. Knowledge is power. And with this report and its recommendations, administrators can no longer ignore the citizen.

We will present the report on Thursday, October 31 in the Almelo library, Het Baken 3. We will hand out the first copy to Henk Vermeer, Member of Parliament of the BBB.
Parking is available in the parking garage opposite the library.

1 p.m Coffee and sandwiches
1:30 p.m Presentation Elze van Hamelen
2 p.m Presentation of report by Marcel Crok to Henk Vermeer
2:15 p.m Opportunity to ask questions
3:00 PM End of program


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Event Location:

Totaal aantal plaatsen: 50 beschikbaar 16
  • Almelo Library
  • The Beacon 3
  • Almelo
  • Overijssel
  • 7607AA
  • The Netherlands

Event Schedule Details

  • 31 October, 2024 13:00 15:00
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