28 November, 2024
Hotel Rosveld
Due to the increasing numbers of wind turbines on land and at sea, our nature is rapidly changing into an industrial environment. In addition, wind turbines have an enormous impact on the environment, people and animals.
The large quantities of materials required cannot be extracted in an environmentally friendly manner, local residents are driven to despair, primeval forests are cut down and whales, birds and bats become massive victims of the policy.
Meanwhile, energy bills are rising and energy security is threatened by the variable nature of sun and wind.
All this to combat climate change. But is that so? Or can large numbers of wind turbines actually cause climate change?
Come and discuss the effects of wind turbines and the situation in Nederweert with us.
19.30 – 20.30: Bert Weteringe (author of “Windhandel”) gives a lecture about the effects of the energy transition and large-scale energy generation with wind turbines on nature, the environment and finances. Afterwards, the audience can ask questions for fifteen minutes.
20.45 – 21.00: pause
21.00 – 21.30: Roland Giessen explains what is going on in our region in the field of energy transition and the installation of wind turbines. Followed by the opportunity to ask questions.
22.00 hour: closing with the option to have a drink in the bar.
About Bert Weteringe
Bert Weteringe, author of the book 'Windhandel', is an aircraft engineer and has specialized in the development and certification of lightweight materials and processes for aviation applications. He worked at various institutions and companies, including TU Delft and Fokker.
Bert is a free thinker, follows his intuition and likes to do his own research. He started writing in 2022, which resulted in the book 'Wind trade' (can also be ordered in this webshop).He is also a member of the Association of Free Journalists and writes articles as an independent investigative journalist for the Clintel Foundation.
For the time being, his focus is on the energy transition, and wind energy in particular.
Also see: www.metdewindmee.com
Clintel lectures are attended by scientists, administrators, journalists, entrepreneurs, students and anyone who wants to stay informed of the latest state of affairs.
Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL) is an independent foundation that reports objectively on climate change and climate policy and aims to be a voice of reason in the often overheated climate debate. CLINTEL was founded in 2019 by emeritus professor of geophysics Guus Berkhout and science journalist Marcel Crok. CLINTEL's main objective is to generate knowledge and insight into the extent, nature, causes and consequences of climate change and the climate policy related to it. CLINTEL also wants to participate in debates on climate science and policy, as well as in decision-making processes in this regard.