Onzichtbare Neprampen en Verzonnen Onheil


Moore: “One day I realized that most of the fearsome stories in the media invisible things based, such as CO2, or about things which are very far away, such as polar bears and coral reefs. The average person cannot observe this for themselves and therefore cannot verify the veracity of those statements. He must trust that the activists, the media, the politicians and the scientists – all of whom have enormous financial and/or political interests in the subject – are telling the truth. This book is my effort, after fifty years of working as an independent scientist and environmentalist, to expose the misinformation and outright lies used to scare us and our children about the future of the Earth.”

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Clintel's international network, united around our World Climate Declaration, has many interesting scientists. Some of them also write excellent books. Clintel plans to regularly translate a book and market it in Dutch in the coming years. We do that together Succesboeken.nl. The first fruit of this collaboration is this super interesting book Onzichtbare Neprampen en Verzonnen Onheil by Patrick Moore, once one of the founders of Greenpeace, but later converted to an environmental and climate realist.

This book not only contains excellent chapters on climate change, ocean acidification, the status of the Great Barrier Reef and the polar bear, but also more environmentally related topics such as the plastic soup, the alleged sixth mass extinction wave, genetic modification and the fear of nuclear energy. You literally go from one surprise to another when reading this book, which is very extensively documented. Below is a more detailed description of the book and the author.

Patrick Moore became one of the key figures of Greenpeace in the early 1970s. One of the co-founders once said in an interview: “Moore was quickly accepted into the inner circle based on his scientific background, his reputation (as an environmentalist) and his ability to bring practical, no-nonsense insights to the discussions.”
Moore had obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in forest biology and a Doctorate degree in that study at university. After, according to Moore, Greenpeace became increasingly driven by political agendas and other differences of opinion, Moore left Greenpeace in 1986. In the 1970s, for example, Moore was strongly against nuclear energy, as was everyone at Greenpeace.
However, after in-depth study of the energy problem, which was already present in those years, Moore discovered that nuclear energy was the cleanest and cheapest energy. He still holds that opinion.
Likewise, after in-depth study, he discovered that there was and still is no scientific evidence that humanity is causing global climate change.

Invisible fake disasters and fabricated disasters
Moore: “One day I realized that most of the fearsome stories in the media invisible things based, such as CO2, or about things which are very far away, such as polar bears and coral reefs. The average person cannot observe this for themselves and therefore cannot verify the veracity of those statements. He must trust that the activists, the media, the politicians and the scientists – all of whom have enormous financial and/or political interests in the subject – are telling the truth. This book is my effort, after fifty years of working as an independent scientist and environmentalist, to expose the misinformation and outright lies used to scare us and our children about the future of the Earth.”

What you can learn from this book:

  • There is no scientific evidence to support the assumption that humans are responsible for global climate change.
  • There is no evidence to support the repeated suggestion that we are in a climate crisis. The earth is actually doing very well.
  • There are more polar bears than ever before! David Attenborough and the BBC mislead the unwitting viewer in their series 'Our Planet', where many claims, such as 'the polar bear is becoming extinct', are in no way scientifically sound.
  • There is no strong correlation between CO2 levels and global average temperatures on geological time scales.
  • 'Green energy' is not green at all, but it places an enormous burden on the environment. Fossil fuels, nuclear energy, waste incineration and wood are much better alternatives than unreliable wind and solar energy.
  • The current increase in CO2 levels is particularly good news for plants and animals and has been causing global greening for decades. CO2 should be celebrated, not feared.
  • The plastic soup in the Pacific Ocean is a hoax.
  • There is a greater diversity of animal and plant species on Earth than ever previously measured.
  • The Great Barrier Reef and other coral reefs on Earth are not dead or dying. On the contrary!

We humans are indeed responsible for the recent increase in CO2 levels on Earth. That makes us (unintentionally) the guardians of life on Earth instead of its destroyers, because CO2 levels around 1900 were still at a historically and dangerously low level. As with so many things, the reality here is exactly the opposite of what people try to tell us.

Moore places current climate changes in a historical and scientific perspective that clearly shows that the climate of fear and guilt we now find ourselves in is completely unnecessary. The only people who have an interest in this are the people who make money with their fear campaigns.
For fifty years, the doomsday scenarios - that humans and our planet are doomed - have not come true. As a seasoned scientist and lifelong environmental activist, Moore is the ideal person to expose the lies of the media, politics and pseudoscience.
He does so in this book, in clear language and with unmistakable facts. Moore has nothing to hide. He is an environmentalist through and through.

American physicist William Happer, professor emeritus at Princeton University, says that climate policy uses a reverse Robin Hood strategy: “You steal from the poor and give to the rich.”

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