Die starren Klima-Vorstellungen des IPCC
The reports of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are undisputedly the most important documents for international climate policy. All countries in the world base their climate policies on their findings. The Clintel Foundation, founded by investigative journalist Marcel Crok and emeritus professor at TU Delft Guus Berkhout, has decided to critically analyze the latest IPCC report together with an international group of climate experts.
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Die starren Klima-Vorstellungen des IPCC
The Clintel Foundation has contributed to the publication of the book De starre klimaatvisie van het IPCC by far the most important work of its existence. The book was prepared with the collaboration of ten scientists and experts from the international Clintel network, including the Canadian Ross McKitrick (known for his criticism of the hockey stick graph), the Italian Nicola Scafetta (known for his work on the influence of the sun on the climate) and Fritz Vahrenholt (known in Germany for his book The Cold Sun).
In the book we analyze two large parts of the latest IPCC report. In thirteen chapters we indicate per theme whether the IPCC has done its work well. In short, we conclude that the IPCC has made several serious mistakes. The mistakes always go in the same direction, they make climate change 'worse'. Some of our findings are downright shocking because the IPCC has been so brazen. In one case, the IPCC ignored virtually all literature (in the field of damage from extreme weather) and relied on one (also incorrect) study that presented the apparently desired conclusion (namely a claimed increase in damage from CO2).
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